Monday, July 03, 2006

End of the road for my HYIP investment??

I have put my trust in Mango HYIP but the last time it paid was 2 July. By right, Mango should be paying out everyday, so now i'm concern if it will pay today. I have quite a substantial amount in my Mango account pending withdrawal so if it closes then i'm out of HYIP.

Keeping my fingers crossed :x


At 4:35 PM, Blogger WaitingforSunshine said...

i might sound dumb...but only recently hav i started taking an interest in finance matters..i hav invested in 2 mutual funds..that's it..trying to learn baout insurance, pension schemed and shares...i dont know what hyip is...

At 12:07 AM, Blogger AiRpork & PoRkY!!! said...

No its perfectly normal. I have never heard of HYIP until a month back when my colleague told me about it. Well from my experience this past month, many HYIP are just scams cos it is only a website which promises good returns when you put money into it then it can close down with your money the next day! If only there is a regulator to HYIP programs......


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